Erin Achenbach

Gardening is in my blood. I come from a long line of farmers and gardeners and from my youngest days I too have been drawn to all things plants and animals.
Starting with a horticultural focus in high school I began my interest in all things plants. From there I consumed books upon books on everything from herbal remedies to underground building. I soon found my main focus was with practices relating to Permaculture and topics relating to the world as a team instead as of a conqueror. I continued to expand my skills and knowledge, working as a landscaper, starting my own grass fed farming enterprise and enrolling in the Master Gardener program through the University of Connecticut.
As my knowledge grew and my eyes were opened to the true state of our ecological condition, I felt compelled to do more. It is no longer responsible to go along with the old traditions of landscaping, it is time to do better. Work with nature for our mutual benefit. Plant in a way that supports our fragile ecosystems and learn to love the beauty that is ecological landscaping.